The Soul Trap
Religious, Paranormal, & End Times Commentary. www.TheSoulTrap.com YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClEjrd0XfFY5LgHxqvAly0g
The Soul Trap
Waco: Behind the Siege | Part 1
Pastor Joel D Tillis
The Waco siege lasted 51 days and resulted in the deaths of 4 ATF officers and 76 Branch Davidians, including 25 children, two pregnant women, and David Koresh. We visited the site of Mt. Carmel, where a chapel still stands; the other buildings may be gone, but the horror that took place in 1993 will live on forever.
Watch video here: https://youtu.be/rXDqqHdaPNk
This is part 1 of 2
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